The new generation French discovery LV3D pack is a perfect pack to start 3D printing, it contains:
- A Dagoma Ultimate 3D printer in KIT
- A 750g spool of PLA LV3D Luxe filament in the color of your choice
- A cutting pliers
- An LV3D buildtack
To start 3D printing more calmly, we can set up your Dagoma Ultimate 3D printer.
Please note, this option costs 100 euros more
To use your Dagoma Ultimate 3D printer, you can equip it with a control screen in order to be able to access the files and the various settings.
The Dagoma Ultimate printer is a 100% French 3D printer that is manufactured at Dagoma in Roubaix!
Evolution compared to the DiscoEasy 200
- A more stable Dagoma printhead
- Anti-backlash trapezoidal rods
- A Dagoma nozzle
- A silent and scalable Dagoma F5 electronic card
- Automatic ejection and insertion of filaments
- End of filament detection
Printing technology: FDM
Supported operating systems: Windows (7 +), Mac OS X (10.7 +), Linux (Ubuntu 12.04 +)
Extruder: 1
Interfaces: SD card
Supported formats: STL, OBJ
Filament diameter: 1.75 mm
Print space [LxWxH]: 200 x 200 x 200 mm
Layer height min. : 50 µm
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PLA Luxe 750g spool
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